- Testimonial
I will never forget my pilgrimage to the Holy Land during Holy Week. My soul was touched by moments of grace as we followed the Gospel to the sacred places where Jesus’ feet touched the earth. Being at the holy sites and celebrating the liturgies at the sites themselves made the events of Jesus’ life become present in such a powerful way. From now on I will be able to picture the Sea of Galilee, Jerusalem, and Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth in my prayer. The spiritual guide led us through key Scriptural passages and prayers connected to the holy sites, as well as passed down important historical and cultural information. Truly an inspiring and profound experience to deepen the Faith. The pilgrimage is also affordable, which allows for a wide range of faithful to undertake this journey. This pilgrimage organized by Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi is a wonderful way to help get to know the roots of the Faith better and live a personal encounter with Jesus.
Hi, I would like to share my experience as a pilgrim to Lourdes (April 5-8 2018): I don't generally expound very much, but as soon as I got back to Rome I felt like a weight within me which at the same time was an emptiness. I undertook this pilgrimage with little motivation, but I came back enriched in many ways: with sensations, faces, smiles. When our guide Danilo Greci spoke to us about "Lourditis" I thought: "now what could be so special about this place?"... well now I have the answer. Personally I can't wait to go back e I wanted to thank each of my fellow pilgrims for the wonderful experience of sharing this pilgrimage together. A special thanks goes to Fr. Andres who illustrated as was possible the "Mystery" of all that we cannot see or touch; and to Danilo for the passion with which he guides the pilgrimages and for the priceless availability which he showed us; to Emanuela for having organized an unforgettable life memory; to Angelo who prayed for me... and once again, a heartfelt THANKS to all of you.
This was my first pilgrimage and it was a wonderful experience. I'm bringing back with me so much more than I would have expected and I recommend this experience.
And there she was in the group: a woman. A woman with her own story. To someone in the mix she confided the chagrin that she harbored in her heart: the story of a broken love, the surprise of a new encounter, her heart which had started to beat again. “Your situation is illicit Miss, you can no longer receive the sacraments”...
During this trip in the context of the Meeting of Peace (May 4-6 in Rome) we feel that it is dutiful to express our compliments to Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi for the availability and the attentive competence shown in the organization of our trip which was participated by the alumni of our school. A special thank you to Mrs. Lavinia.
A huge THANK YOU… the Spiritual Assistant Don Giuseppe and the Lay Pastoral Assistant Mrs. Maria Rosaria were wonderful! We will keep an unforgettable memory of the poignant experiences at the Lourdes Grotto, together with the prayers of the pilgrims of our ORP group and those of other nationalities.
We participated in your Holy Land pilgrimage; we would like to sincerely congratulate you for the perfect organization and for the spiritual guide, quite extraordinary. We look forward to setting off for another pilgrimage with you in the near future.
I feel that I should thank first of all the work of our spiritual guide: Don Sergio. We relived some of the more evocative episodes of Jesus' life and he accompanied us in all of the spiritual places with a deep knowledge of each place... Thanking you in a heartfelt manner, let's make an appointment for the next experience!
A fantastic experience that left it's mark, I would live it all over again with the same exact people: the guides, the organizers etc. I suggest that everyone live this experience with Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi.
A wonderful spiritual experience. This experience brings you to understand the importance of prayer, of solidarity. A place in the world where your heart can be nourished and find newborn hope together with a few moving tears of faith that slip down your cheeks.
A beautiful experience, better than I could have imagined. An intense pilgrimage, with moments for prayer and personal reflection. The organization is a perfect machine, which I suggest to anyone who may decide to undertake this voyage. The guides are inspirational, evidently it's not just a job they do but it is above all a mission. So for anyone who may decide to do it I can only wish that you live an experience similar to mine. Enjoy your pilgrimage everyone!
Back home memories of the words of our guide, Fr. Giovanni: "The fruits of a pilgrimage are abundant and they continue well after the trip. And so it is! It's beautiful to be in joyful waiting, like arid ground that will be plowed, irrigated and will bring fruit in due time.
This was our first pilgrimage and it was a wonderful experience, both because of the great organization and because of the importance of the places that we visited and that are significant for our religion. We were a bit tired coming home but we were certain that we had obtained so much more than we had expected from this experience and we would like to invite others to live a pilgrimage as we did.